Combat Arms Hack Bundle [Undetected as of 24 April 2010]
Credits to Faith & Gordon SYS
1)Download the bundle here:
2)Extract contents to a desired destination
3)Run FaithInject.exe
4)The screen should look something like this:

Check to see that the "Name" and "Process Name" are the same.
5)Press "Inject" and the status box should show "Waiting for Process"
6)Run Combat Arms, and after the hack shield is loaded, the status box should say that the injection was complete.
IMMEDIATELY CLOSE "FaithInject.exe" before the Combat Arms fullscreen comes up.
7)Login and play (and hack using the keys outlined below)
INSERT: Recharge Stamina
No Spread: Automatically Enabled
NUMPAD 1: Chams and Nofog (Nofog sometimes turns off, press NUMPAD 1)
NUMPAD 2: Boxes
NUMPAD 3: Glow
NUMPAD 4: Fullbright
NUMPAD 5: No Sway
NUMPAD 6: Activation Distance (Use the E button from accross the map)
NUMPAD 7: Remove guns
Hold SHIFT: Fly Hack
Hold C: Telekill (Slightly Buggy, and sometimes tele's to teamates)
PAGEUP: 3x Super Jump
PAGEDOWN: 2x Super Jump
END: Normal Jump
DELETE: ALL hacks turn off
Telekill is buggy. It turns your own body into an enemy's/ally' to kill people without moving, spam bullets/knife while pointing down.
Possible Problems:
1)If the game exits before the login screen, then most likely, you forgot to exit to "FaithInject.exe" or was not able to do it in time.
2)If an error box pops up after login, saying that the "client file is being corrupted". Simply restart your computer. Note that the word here is "being"; there is no need to reinstall the whole game.
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